CRONO® Electrolytes

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Oral paste with electrolytes for energizing and recuperation of muscles


Oral syringe of 30 ml (1 use).

Composition (per syringe):
Calcium 870 mg Potassium 1,140 mg
Chlorides 3,900 mg Selenium 18 µg
Copper 120 mg Sodium 2,190 mg
Glucose 10,500 mg Vit A 150 IU
Iodine 150 µg Vit C 1.5 mg
Iron 180 mg Vit D3 7.5 IU
Magnesium 3 mg Vit E 0.75 mg
Manganese 210 mg Zinc 95 mg
  • Quickly rehydrates and recovers the horse in competition, intense training, travel, exposure to high temperatures, etc.
  • Enhances muscle recovery after heavy exercise, allowing the horse to quickly return to its highest level of performance.
  • Supplemented with glucose, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Iron and copper stimulate the red cell production and delay the onset of muscle fatigue.
  • Vitamin E and selenium maximize muscular functionality and recovery.
  • Heavy or prolonged exercise.
  • Light exercise with high humidity and/or extreme temperatures.
  • Prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
  • Horses in training or competition.
  • Medium – long distance hacks.
  • Shipping.
  • Stressful situations.
  • As a support in pathologic processes where high fever or diarrhea may be present.

Introduce the cone in the corner of the horse’s mouth and push the plunger until the full dose has been administered.

  • Standard: administer one dose before, during and/or after any situation that can cause dehydration (heavy exercise, shipping…).
  • Heavy sweating: administer a second dose 4-6 hours after the first administration.
Composition (per syringe):
Calcium 870 mg
Chlorides 3,900 mg
Copper 120 mg
Glucose 10,500 mg
Iodine 150 µg
Iron 180 mg
Magnesium 3 mg
Manganese 210 mg
Potassium 1,140 mg
Selenium 18 µg
Sodium 2,190 mg
Vit A 150 IU
Vit C 1.5 mg
Vit D3 7.5 IU
Vit E 0.75 mg
Zinc 95 mg
  • Quickly rehydrates and recovers the horse in competition, intense training, travel, exposure to high temperatures, etc.
  • Enhances muscle recovery after heavy exercise, allowing the horse to quickly return to its highest level of performance.
  • Supplemented with glucose, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Iron and copper stimulate the red cell production and delay the onset of muscle fatigue.
  • Vitamin E and selenium maximize muscular functionality and recovery.
  • Heavy or prolonged exercise.
  • Light exercise with high humidity and/or extreme temperatures.
  • Prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
  • Horses in training or competition.
  • Medium – long distance hacks.
  • Shipping.
  • Stressful situations.
  • As a support in pathologic processes where high fever or diarrhea may be present.

Introduce the cone in the corner of the horse’s mouth and push the plunger until the full dose has been administered.

  • Standard: administer one dose before, during and/or after any situation that can cause dehydration (heavy exercise, shipping…).
  • Heavy sweating: administer a second dose 4-6 hours after the first administration.


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