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El Molar, April 2024

VetNova had an outstanding participation in the European Congress of Veterinary Dermatology (ECVD) which took place from August 31st to September 2nd, 2023, in Gothenburg, Sweden.
VetNova once again showed their commitment to the small animal and equine professionals, sharing the main innovations in the dermatology and otology field, and the proposed solutions to improve the daily work of veterinarians and users with CUTANIA®, ABELIA® and APTIMA® lines.
The company would like to thank to all veterinarians and nurses who visited them at their stand at the European Congress of Veterinary Dermatology.
VetNova will also be present at the World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, which will take place from July 25th to 29th, 2024.